June 19 Update
Amber installs tiles on the end roof using colored mortar and a custom form made to hold it in place. When the mortar dries it will be the color of the tiles.
Tiles are nailed to a 2X4 wrapped in black plastic. Stainless steel nails are used so they will last as long as the tile.
Olivia Goguen helped install tiles a few days later, but I was busy and forgot to grab a photo.
Dale has been consulting with me on methods to install the tiles for a couple of weeks. Tiles are smooth and the mortar does not stick like it would with bricks.
Val Haddon, Clarke Kido, Guy Backstrom and Austin Jenkins have been repeat volunteers. Some volunteers help for a couple minutes when I need an extra hand and I never know their names. One lady in a wedding party brought us some bottled water.